Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How Will I Enter Glory???

During these past few days I have been greatly blessed by Mr. John Glock who visited my home church and gave 5 amazing seminars over the past few days concerning Christina living. 
The theme of the seminars was:
Living Today In Light of Tomorrow
What an exciting challenge (in a good way of course) it was to hear him speak of a life lived in light of the blessing to come.

The Bema!!!
What a powerful feeling it is to be reminded, or for some to learn for the first time, what will come for the children of God in the day or our resurrection with Christ! There really are no words to describe the joy that comes with the knowledge of hearing the loving and dear words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

In 2 Timothy Paul is in prison waiting for Emperor Nero to give the command for his death. But even so, Paul is still flaming with joy and passion reminding Timothy of what his responsibilities are as a child of God!
Hey now! Hold on a second there boy…
Paul is waiting for his call to the headsmen and he is joyful?
What’s with this guy?!
Well let me tell you; Paul is excited because he knows about what is to come for us who have believed in the Son of God and Faithfully kept his Word!
Paul's joy and excitement is described in the end of 2nd Timothy chapter 4 when he says he has Fought, Finished, and Kept the faith and now in the Future he will receive his crown on That Day!

That Day!!!
That Day is the day we will be resurrected with the saints, enter our eternal bodies, receive our due at the Bema (the throne at which our lives of service to Christ will be tested and rewarded through fire), and we will cast our crowns before our Lord!
What a Day that will be!
It is just mind-boggling to think that one day we will see Him in all his glory, we will receive our reward, and we will give it all back as an offering to the our Lord and Savior!

The Unashamed!!!
How will I enter Heaven?
Well it is obvious that Paul knows that shame isn’t something he will be feeling because with the little time he had he gave it his all!
But what about me?
Do I give it my all every 1440 minutes of every day?
In 2nd Peter 1 Peter speaks of the knowledge and wisdom God offers to us through his Word so we may serve Him.
A key to developing our understanding for overcoming challenges is by simply knowing what the Word says!
(For those that don’t get it… READ THE BIBLE!)
Do I, as a child of God, keep my eyes on That Day and serve in an attitude that will ensure a reward that I can give back to my Savior?

What we do after Salvation matters and it certainly does affect the way we will enter glory!

“Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” Revelation 22:7

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